Thursday, September 27, 2007

Marcel Marceau, The Quiet Art - Guitou

assez vu. La vision s'est rencontrée a tous les airs.
Assez eu. Rumeurs des villes, le soir, et au soleil, et toujours.
Assez connu. Les arrêts de la vie.-O rumeurs et visions!
Départ dans l'affection et le bruit neufs!

Seen enough.The vision met itself in every kind of air
Had enough. Noises of cities in the evening, in the sunlight, and forever.
Known enough. The haltings of life. Oh! Noises and Visions!
Departure into new affection and sound

Arthur Rimbaud


Unknown said...


perfect tribute to a true great. 84's not bad, not bad at all, but still very sad to accept mortality.

i hadn't seen the bit of him doing the moonwalk with jacko - brilliant.

and the rimbaud as well...

wonderful guitou. will see if i can find something classy enough to contribute to this wake.


Unknown said...

“The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.”

Albert Einstein

Zephirine said...

Great compilation Guitou, thank you, and terrific quotes from you and Marcela.

guitougoal said...

Perfect and so appropriate.
this is the profound meaning of Rimbaud's poems, in his own words chilhood is defined as certainty, as a treasure as something pure and exempt from doubt and falsehood.As a poet he was a child expressing himself in the language of a man.
Marceau's modern 'chanson de geste" was a new form of poetic language abling him to express his exitence with the purity of a child.

file said...

yes, lovely quotes both

if you look on YT and around you'll find many many of his students producing some fine works

G, so special having this tribute here from a friend of the family, thanks from all the pscenes staff (me)

does anyone want to see M. Marceau's one speaking role? If there's interest I'll put it up...

Unknown said...

mais oui, bien sur, file...

of course there's interest.

i was thinking while watching guitou's clip, the press conference bit, how i had no concept of him speaking...

i've heard him before, but never think of it somehow :)

file said...


et voila!

as if by magic a clip appears

I understand that mimes might be in glass boxes but what I would like to know is who puts them there?

guitougoal said...


file said...


file said...

actually G, thats' brilliant!

you could be the first Mime Blogger, radical man


Anonymous said...

Rimbaud, rimbaud, zimbo, zimbo .... music echoing. An threads echoing.

guitougoal said...

That's for sure at least I would be a better mime blogger than a writer one..see there is always hope!