Saturday, May 19, 2007

Cycling in Belgium - Mouth of the Mersey

Here is some of the work of Stephan Vanfleteren. See more at in the "Hard Men and Heroes" section.

The one and only Eddy looking as hard in middle age as in his prime - there is no such thing as a bad photo of him as this book proves.

Here is some of the terrain over which the Belgian Hard Men make their reputations - in real life, it's still just black and white.

And this is what it does to your legs.


Anonymous said...

Someone will have to point out to me the exact location of Belguim. Is it in sight of the east coast of Portugla, by any chance?

file said...

hmm, set a typo herring to catch the proofreading sharks huh?

I'm having a few probs with font types and sizes too...ho hum

Anonymous said...

Elif - Thanks for the site.

I look forward to more from fellow Pseuds.